Strategic human resources management with the most efficient use of human resources required by holding companies to accomplish their goals and to turn our human resources into our permanent advantage in the sector we serve as well as the global arena

Human Resources Goals
  • Being a strategic partner of the corporate management by developing Human Resources management systems.
  • Minimizing HR costs, increasing efficiency and productivity.
  • Analyzing the outcome of HR’s relevant processes to holding company through the use of metrics.
  • Becoming a preferred company by maximizing employee satisfaction.
  • Would You Like to Work with Us?

  • Our Recruitment Practices

    Our underlying principle is to provide individuals who are equipped with the correct position requirements with equal opportunities and improvement opportunities without discrimination.
    Positions are occupied via career site applications, promotion or rotation between current employees, drawing on credentials, references or resume pool. Applications in the resume pool are the first to be evaluated on basis of the job requirements in case of any vacancies for any given position.
    Human Resources Department contacts relevant candidates to commence recruitment procedures. All applications are saved in the database for future evaluation.
    Internship Program
    Medicavet  has an internship placement program designed to meet the needs of its various departments and create a pool for future recruitment processes.
  • Education and Training

    Education and Training activities are planned in relation to the improvement areas within the scope of company and individuals.

    In line with our HR policies, all new recruits undergo basic orientation and annual training programs. Corporate strategies and targets, performance evaluation results, job requirements, management and employee feedbacks, new investments and projects are of importance in the determination of training needs. Training models are developed with the support of in-house trainers or outsourced to professional training institutions based on the subject and requirements of the training.

    Training Prograss
    Various types of training programs are available to our human resorces in line with company  strategies and individual goals;

    • Orientation Training:
    • Competence and professional development training
    • Personal Development Training Programs
    • Management Development Programs
    • Quality Management System CoursesTechnical Training
    • Legally Enforced Training Programs
  • Performance Management

    The main goal of our Performance Management System is to direct our human resources towards the correct targets, enabling ever higher corporate performance, constantly improving skills to carry the organization into the future.
    Accordingly, the “Performance Evaluation System” is utilized in order to track the work performances, career paths, strong points and improvement areas of our human resources.

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